♥ In Love ♥
The way I blush when I think of you
The way I smile when I remember your words
The way I almost wanna pass out when someone mentions you
The way I wanna go to bed early
Just so I can dream of you
The way I wanna hold your hand
The way I write your name on my schoolpapers
The way I wish I shared every class with you
The way my heart beats faster
And the way I feel when I imagine you with me
I'm just like every other girl
Who's ever wanted to be held by someone else
And I'm just like every story
Hoping for a love-filled ending
Because I'm human too
And I somehow still feel
After all I've been through
I still feel love
Walking together hand-in-hand
And I couldn't have been happier
The night we met
The secret we share
Together creating memories
I'm not alone anymore
Because I love you,
And you love me too...