and now only i feels like blogging bout it...
same class this year...
having all the same classmates...
except 3 newcomers joining us this year...
no new photos of my classmates available...
these is the old one we took last year...
everything is in a mess!!!
and it results in my class, U6B3...
to move into a store room...
yes... a STORE ROOM!!!
it's like a creepy place with so so so terrible dust layer at every inch and corner!!!
due to our hard work...
it's all right now...
it's considered a small room with 4 fans, 6 lights and one exit...
on the most far end at 3rd floor....
so every morning...
we gonna climb up to reach our class...
we are very not satisfy with it in the beginning...
but we slowly accepted it...
and make full use of it...
=)where we had our recess in the class...
locking the door so that nobody can disturb us...
we even created our own secret door knocking code...
we stored food like mamies, twisties, sugus in the cupboard...
we can just go get it whenever we are hungry...
we bring lots of food to eat during lesson...
food is passed from most left to most right... and also back to front...
we had a lot of fun in class everyday...
all the teachers is great...
maybe except one... the lazy muet teacher...
i love my class...
but i really think we need to work extra hard this year...
cannot let other people to look down on us!!!
work hard B3!~
here's latest photos of my class...
other's with sian...
entrance and exit of my class...
in the pic is oursider jorseng, xing, kent the newcomer, outsider nan and john our classrep with his noob hair style...
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