. : The Author : .

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Welcome to my blog. There's nothing wrong with my name. I'm just a girl, struggling to keep up in the rat race. If you think you know me, read my blog and think again. I'm imperfect and i'm lovin it. I'm creative in my own way. I'm the only witness and only person who can judge my life.

17 June 2010

- I Hate It -

I hate it when my thousands of doubt is not answered...

I hate it when i find no one to talk to when i'm troubled...

I hate it when i cant let go of mistakes i did wrong...

I hate it when insomnia strikes me every night reminding how wrong i am...

I hate it when i am effortless in fixing my mistakes...

I hate it when i wanted so badly to blame everything on you but i cant...

I hate it when i question why my action doesnt listen to my rationality...

I hate it when my ability to make wise decision is terrible...

I hate it when i make such a big fool out of myself...

I hate it when his comment kept repeating in my head...

I hate it when people are making fun out of my misery...

I hate it when i know what i did is so not fair to you...

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