. : The Author : .

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Welcome to my blog. There's nothing wrong with my name. I'm just a girl, struggling to keep up in the rat race. If you think you know me, read my blog and think again. I'm imperfect and i'm lovin it. I'm creative in my own way. I'm the only witness and only person who can judge my life.

06 November 2010

- update -

Life is good so far...
busy with discussion for assignment..
busy for preparation for presentation..
have been leaving home early..
going home late...
there's one time that i even missed the last train to home...
and i was sort of like at the other end of the island...
forced to take cab and it cost me freaking $21++
but soon everything will come to an end...
everything will be over after the presentation on monday...

Have been very happy lately...
mostly is due to i have a bunch of fun group mates to hang out with...
making me laugh so much each and everyday..
and also due to the excessive laughter...
i started getting stomach muscle cramp...
and now followed by the chest cramp...
i had so much fun...
learning language and dialects with them...
taught the indonesian chinese speaking and writing...
and learned indo in exchange...
and exchanged knowledge on dialects....
created own meaning out of the dialects
really so chung leong =)

by the way...
just realised that...
i cannot pronounce 'inference' and 'influence' in the correct way...
whenever i want to say 'inference'...
i tend to say 'influence'...
and i tend to female-fy people...
whenever i want to say 'he'...
i said 'she' instead...
really need to practise more on speaking

just a simple update...
lots of things happened lately...
will update again if there's the chance

ps: i am so excited about the coming xmas...
pps: i am so so so excited about my 2 weeks indonesia (Bali, Bandung, Belitung) trip next march XP

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