let the suffering end now...
. : The Author : .
- MeiYen
- Welcome to my blog. There's nothing wrong with my name. I'm just a girl, struggling to keep up in the rat race. If you think you know me, read my blog and think again. I'm imperfect and i'm lovin it. I'm creative in my own way. I'm the only witness and only person who can judge my life.
29 November 2010
24 November 2010
but somehow i just cant balance it...
first recheck attempt...
second recheck attempt...
third recheck attempt...
forth recheck attempt...
until i loss count...
am tired and worried now...
so i guess it's time to write blog...
i've been a very good girl lately...
dropping all the blogs about food...
since my life is so miserable now...
i shall post something that can cheer myself up a little bit...
even it will make other people's life miserable
my current craving:
13 November 2010
- Grateful -
To my dears, my sugar, chung leong group... you know who you are =)
I'm grateful for the friendships
I'm grateful for the love
I'm grateful for the precious gifts
Sent to me from above
I'm grateful for my angels
Some of my demons too
I'm grateful for the ones
Who make me smile when I'm blue
I know I get impatient
And act like I don't care
But honestly I'm grateful
For the ones who are always there
I want to thank you each
For the joy you've given me
But this poem can only be so long
So I choose to let this be
The ones who love me selflessly
I'm grateful for your care
The ones who can put up with me
I know will always be there
The ones who sit and listen
I'm grateful for their ears
And everyone who's been a friend
Will be for many years
I know I can be selfish
And independent too
But I'm grateful for you all
And I need each one of you
09 November 2010
- Horse -
♥ 属马的人性格很奇怪,有时候超爱说话,有时候可以一天不说话,高兴的时候,会拼命的说话,不高兴的时候,一句话也不说.
♥ 属马的人不爱记仇,但谁对他好谁对他不好,他还是记得很清楚的
♥ 属马的把真实的自己藏于半夜的寂静和午夜明朗的笑声中.
♥ 属马的最注重的就是安全感.希望被保护,却常常是一个人.
♥ 属马的不容易爱上一个人,但一旦爱上便很难自拔。一旦受伤,总是被伤的很深。只有几个贴心朋友
♥ 属马的是个很爱撒娇的孩子、总是很依赖别人
♥ 属马的喜欢海,喜欢顾影自怜.喜欢自己舔伤口.
♥ 属马的性格很古怪而又孤僻,他们会突然在大笑中沉默,感觉悲伤.
♥ 属马的心里想什么从来不说.别人也猜不到.
♥ 属马的嘴上说不在乎、心里却早已悲凉、心里的那把火早已熄灭 .
♥ 属马的选择了沉默、不在像以前那样挚热的去追求某样东西 .
♥ 属马的总是很爱回忆、回忆以前的点点滴滴、以前的大小事只是默默的想着.
♥ 属马的座的人天生敏锐,与生具备的第六感,对人的内心有超乎寻常的洞察力,但他会把这些东西放在心里,属马的人可以把你的眼神、内心看得很清楚,但却不会告诉你,他用旁观的态度判定虚伪 .
♥ 属马的人不懂甜言蜜语,不屑拍马屁 .
♥ 属马的人本能的排斥虚伪和做作的人 .
♥ 属马的人不会真的发火,就算生气,也很快忘记!
♥ 属马的人只对真正懂他的人,展示他的创造性,他的情绪他变得冷淡就证明他开始对你重新审视, 当他越是沉默,就代表他越是生气 .
♥ 属马的人可能看起来很凶,其实内心是最柔软的 .
♥ 属马的人看起来很冷淡,但那只是保护自己的方法 .
♥ 属马的人很重视友情,但被伤害后绝对不再友善 .
♥ 属马的人很容易被感动,但感动中又保有理智 .
♥ 属马的人可能看起来很坚强,其实是最脆弱的 .
♥ 属马的人可能很爱哭,但他的哭并不代表认输 .
♥ 属马的人可能看起来很笨,其实大智若愚 .
♥ 属马的人可能做事很毛躁,但内心很细心 .
♥ 属马的人天生敏感和细腻,却会用心鉴定 .
♥ 属马的懦弱,受了伤之后,只知道躲在无人的地方独自哭泣 .
♥ 属马的虚伪,明明已经心痛到无法呼吸,还要在最爱的他面前假装坚强;不轻易让任何人走进他自己独自的世界
♥ 属马的笑容,无论开心或者悲伤,他都是一脸笑容,笑容,是他们伪装自己最好的武器,
♥ 属马的眼泪,从不轻易让人看见,他的泪,从来只有她知道,只是,谁又知道,在巨蟹的笑脸背后,埋藏的是深深的悲伤,笑的越开心,伤的越深 .
♥ 属马的退缩, 属马的,永远不会轻易说爱或者喜欢,除非真的喜欢到了极点,否则,要他们表白几乎不可能,但是,一旦表白,他们就是不遗余力的付出,即使知道这样做换来的结果可能是深深的伤害…
♥ 属马的,永远只可能做同一件事两次,表白也一样,同一个人,只可能听到他向你最深的表白两次,两次之后,就是绝对的安静了…即使仍然深爱着,他也没有勇气再说第三遍我爱你…他的退缩,不能重复一件事第三次 .
♥ 属马的愚蠢,不懂的怎么挽回深爱的人的心,只能自己心中默默的祝福和祈祷。
♥ 受了伤的马,只会在角落独自忍受锥心的痛.
♥ 属马的:体贴第一名,爱吃第一名,爱家第一名,孝顺第一名,多愁善感第一名。
如果你爱上 属马…请你疼爱生肖马 =)
08 November 2010
- It's Over -
Presentation is over...
not as bad as i imagined...
to be honest...
i thought it would be a disaster...
but overall it's good...
just a bit shaky and nervous at the beginning...
but i managed to present everything as planned..
rated myself 8 out of 10..
good job mei yen
06 November 2010
- update -
Life is good so far...
busy with discussion for assignment..
busy for preparation for presentation..
have been leaving home early..
going home late...
there's one time that i even missed the last train to home...
and i was sort of like at the other end of the island...
forced to take cab and it cost me freaking $21++
but soon everything will come to an end...
everything will be over after the presentation on monday...
Have been very happy lately...
mostly is due to i have a bunch of fun group mates to hang out with...
making me laugh so much each and everyday..
and also due to the excessive laughter...
i started getting stomach muscle cramp...
and now followed by the chest cramp...
i had so much fun...
learning language and dialects with them...
taught the indonesian chinese speaking and writing...
and learned indo in exchange...
and exchanged knowledge on dialects....
created own meaning out of the dialects
really so chung leong =)
by the way...
just realised that...
i cannot pronounce 'inference' and 'influence' in the correct way...
whenever i want to say 'inference'...
i tend to say 'influence'...
and i tend to female-fy people...
whenever i want to say 'he'...
i said 'she' instead...
really need to practise more on speaking
just a simple update...
lots of things happened lately...
will update again if there's the chance
ps: i am so excited about the coming xmas...
pps: i am so so so excited about my 2 weeks indonesia (Bali, Bandung, Belitung) trip next march XP